Sukhmani Sahib Ashtapadee-5





Daynhaar parabh chhod kai laageh aan su-aa-ay.ੴ

One who renounces God the giver,and attaches himself to other affairs,


Naanak kahoo na seejh-ee bin naavai pat jaa-ay. ੴ

O Nanak,he shall never succeed.Without the Name,he shall lose his honor.


Das bastoo lay paachhai paavai.

He obtains ten things,and puts them behind him, 


Ayk basat kaaran bikhot gavaavai.

For the sake of one thing withheld,he forfeits his faith,


Ayk bhee na day-ay das bhee hir lay-ay.

But what if that one thing were not given,and then ten were taken away?


Ta-o moorhaa kaho kahaa karay-i.

Then,what could the fool say or do?


Jis thaakur si-o naahee chaaraa.

our lord and master cannot be moved by force,


taa ka-o keejai sad namaskaaraa.

Unto him,bow forever in adoration,


Jaa kai man laagaa parabh meethaa.

That one,unto whose mind god seems sweet,


sarab sookh taahoo man voothaa.

all pleasures come to abide in his mind,


Jis jan apnaa hukam manaa-i-aa.

One who abides by the lord'swill,


Sarab thok naanak tin paa-i-aa.

O nanak,obtains all things,


Agnat saahu apnee day raas.

god the banker gives endless capital to the mortal,


Khaat peet bartai anad ulaas.

Who eats,drinks and expends it with pleasure and joy,


Apunee amaan kachh bahur saahu lay-ay.

If some of this capital is later taken back by the banker,


Agi-aanee man ros karay-i.

The ignorant person shows his anger,


Apnee parteet aap hee khovai.

He himself destroys his own credibility,


Bahur us kaa bisvaas na hovai.

and he shall not again be trusted,


Jis kee basat tis aagai raakhai.

when one effers to the Lord,that which belongs to the Lord,


Parabh kee aagi-aa maanai maathai.

And willingly abides by the will of God's order,


Us tay cha-ugan karai nihaal.

The lord will make him happy four time over,


Naanak saahib sadaa da-i-aal.

O nanak,our lord and master is merciful forever.॥2∥


anik bhaat maa-i-aa kay hayt.sarpar hovat jaan anayt.

The many forms of attachments to maya shall surely pass away-know that they are transitory,


birakh kee chhaa-i-aa si-o rang laavai.

People fall in love with the shade of the tree,


Oh binsai uho man pachhutaavai.

And when it passes away,they feel regret in their minds,


jo deesai so chaalanhaar.

Whatever is seen,shall pass away,


Lapat rahi-o tah andh andhaar.

And yet,the blindest of the blind cling to it,


bataa-oo si-o jo laavai nayh.

One who gives her love to a passing traveler,


Taa ka0o haath na aavai kayh.

Nothing shall come into her hands in this way.


Man har kay naam kee pareet sukh-daa-ee.

O Mind,the love Name of the Lord Bestows peace.


Kar kirpaa naanak aap la-ay laa-ee.

O nanak,the Lord,inhis mercy,unites us with himself.॥3॥


Mithi-aa tan dhan kutamb sabaa-i-aa.

false are body,wealth,and all relations,


Mithi-aa ha-umai mamtaa maa-i-aa.

False are ego,possessivensess and maya,


Mithi-aa raaj joban dhan maal.

False are power,youth,wealth and property,


mithi-aa kaam krodh bikraal.

false are sexual desire and wild anger,

Mithi-aa rath hastee asav bastaraa.

False are chariots,elephants,horses and expensive clothes,

Mithi-aa rang sang maa-i-aa paykh hastaa.

False is the love of gathering wealth,and reveling in the sight of it.

Mithi-aa dharoh moh abhimaan.

False are deception,emotional attachment and egotistical pride,

Mithi-aa aapas oopar karat gumaan.

False are pride and self-conceit,

Asthir bhagat saadh kee saran.

Only devotional worship is permanent,and the sanctuary of the holy.

Naanak jap jap jeevai har kay charan.॥4॥

Nanak lives by meditating,meditating on the lotus feet of the lord.

Mithi-aa sarvan par nindaa suneh.

false are the ears which listen to the slander of others.

Mithi-aa hasat par darab ka-o hireh.

False are the hands which steal the wealth of others.

Mithi-aa naytar paykhat par tar-a roopaad.

False are the eyes which gaze upon the beauty of another's wife.

Mithi-aa rasnaa bhojan an savaad.

False are the tongue which enjoys delicacies and external tastes.

Mithi-aa charan par bikaar ka-o dhaaveh.

False are the feet which run to do evil to others.

Mithi-aa man par lobh lubhaaveh.

False is the mind which covets the wealth of others.

Mithi-aa tan nahee par-upkaaraa.

False is the body which does not do good to others,

Mith-aa baas layt bikaaraa.

False is the nose which inhales corruption.

Bin boojhay mithi-aa sabh bha-ay.

Whithout understanding,everything is false.

Safal dayh naaak har har naam la-ay.||5||

Fruitful is the bodyO Nanak,which takes to the Lord's Name.

Birthee saakat kee aarjaa.

The Life of the faithless cynic is totally useless.

Saach binaa kah hovat soochaa.

Without the truth,how can anyone be pure?

Birthaa naam binaa tan andh.

Useless is the body of the spiritually blind,without the Name of the Lord.

Mukat aavat taa kai durgandh.

From his mouth,a foul smell issues forth.

Bin simran din rain barithaa bihaa-ay.

Without the remembrance of the Lord,day and night pass in vain,

Maygh binaa ji-o khaytee jaa-ay.

Like the Crop which withers without rain.

Gobid bhajan bin barithay sabh kaam.

Without meditation on the Lord of the universe,all works are in vain,

Ji-o kirpan kay niraarath daam.

Like the wealth of a miser,which lies useless.

Dhan Dhan tay jan ghat basi-o har naa-o.

Blessed,blessed are those,whose hearts are filled with the Name of the Lord.

Naanak taa kai bal bal jaa-o.

Nanak is sacrifice,a sacrifice to them.||6||

Rahat avar kachh avar kamaavat.

He says one thing,and does something else,

Man nahee pareet mukhahu gandh laavat.

There is no love in his heart,and yet with his mouth he talks tall,

Jaananhaar parabhoo parbeen.

The omniscient Lord God is the knower of all.

Baahar bhaykh na kaahoo bheen.

He is not impressed by outward display.

Avar updaysai aap na karai.

One who does not practice what he preaches to others,

Aavat jaavat janmai marai.

Shall come and go in reincarnation,through birth and death,

Jis kai antar basai nirankaar.

One whose inner being is filled with the formless Lord,

Tis kee seekh tarai sansaar.

By his teachings,the world is saved.

Jo tum bhaanay tin parabh jaataa.

Those who are pleasing to you,God,know you,

Naanak un jan charan paraataa||7||.

Nanak falls at their feet.

Kara-o bayntee paarbarahm sabh jaanai.

Offer your prayers to supreme Lord God,Who knows everything.

Apnaa kee-aa aapeh maanai.

He himself values his own creatures.

Aapeh aap aap karat nibayraa.

He himself,by Himself,makes the decisions,

Kisai door janaavat kisai bujhaavat nayraa.

To Some,He appears foe away,while others perceive him near at hand,

Upaav si-aanap sagal tay rahat.

He is beyond all efforts and clever tricks,

Sabh kachh jaanai aatam kee rahat.

He knows all the ways and means of the soul,

Jis bhaavai tis la-ay larh laa-ay.

Those with whom he is pleased are attached to the hem of his robe.

Thaan thanantar rahi-aa samaa-ay.

He is pervading all places and interspaces,

So sayvak jis kirpaa karee.

Those upon whom he bestows his favor,become his servants,

Nimakh Nimakh jap naanak haree.||8||5||

Each and every moment,O Nanak,Meditate on the Lord.||8||5||



Gurdeep Gill

I am a blogger and YouTuber,I have been working in freelancing and affiliating marketing

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