Privacy Policy

Website Policy
Hello friends,welcome to your partner once again on our website am gonig to tell you about the privacy policy of this website as khalsa-holybook
If pepole still use our website,then you all have to follow the privacy policy  of khalsa2020,otherwise ,I can also block you all.

So all of you people will read the privacy policy of our website blog name (universemysteryguru)please carefully read us.

Google AdSense
Do not intentionally click on any type of Goole ad shown on one,if you do this then I can block you all from our website.
That is,no user will intentionally click on any advertisement shown on our website khalsa2020,we can block from our website by doing so.This is religious website.So carefully.

Children's Policy
This website is not provide any wrong and incorrectly information.So if you have 13 year old.So you can use this site.But if you have not 13 year old so please do not use this site.Because this site provide Interpretation of the oldest holy book of the world.its not important for children

if you all want to contact us,then all of you will get the below information.

DATA COllection
NO account registration required on this sie:No visitor is required to register on this site to use it.Hence,no visitor is accountholder on this site for we do not currently allow or ask user registrations on the site.Also,We have not allowed or asked so in the past either.If all you do it just visit and surf,No registration is required,and you do not need to provide any personal information.

If you leave a comment on our website.  page you may opt-in to saving your name,email address and website in cookies.These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment.These cookies will last for one year.

Disabling and enabling cookies
You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings on your browser.

Visitors who do not wish to have cookies placed on their computer should set their browsers to refuse cookies before using this website,with the drawback that certain features may not function properly without the aid of cookies.

When visitors leave comments on the we collect the data shown in the comments form,and also the visitor's ip address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.After approval of your comment,Your name is visible to the public in the context of your comment.

Contact Form
Visitors  who chose to use our''Contact Form''Provide a username and email address.In addition,Internet protocol(IP) addressses is also recorded for users using our''Contact"Form to help spam detection.However,the information you enter in the contact form is not saved or stored in the database of this site.If you leave a comment,the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely.This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

Data Use

Who we share your data with; will not sell or lease your personal information to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law to do so.

How long we retain your data;
If you leave a comment on our khalsa2020 blog,the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely.This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.

Where we send your data;
visitor comments may be checked through an automated spam detection service.


This policy may change from time to time,and in our sole discretion.visitors are encouraged to frequently check this page for any changes.Any continued use of this site after any change will constitute acceptance of such change.

All Right Reserved

I hope you guys will our website in the right way.

Plese contact us if you have any questions about this document or data.

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