1.Saacha saahib saach naa_ay bhaakhi-aa bhaa-o apaar.
Whaich means,True master,True is his name-meditate it with utmost humility and deep love
2.AAkhahi mangahi dayhi dayhi daat karay daataar.
Ask and plead,"Give,give"-The Giver gives in abundance.
3.Fayr ka agai rakhee-ai Jit disai darbaar.
Which should we place before him,when we meet him in his darbar(day of judgement)
4.Muhou ke bolan bolee-ai jit sun dharay pi-aar.
With mouth utter words of his love
5.Amrit vaylaa sach naa-o vadi-aa-ee veechaar.
In the early dawn(4-5 am)period,dwell upon his true name and praises.
6.Karmee aavai kaprhaa nadree mokh du-aar.
which means,Karma is the cloth soul wears,ones with clean clothes will pass through the gate of liberation.
7.Naanak evai jaanee-ee-ai sabh aapay sachiaar.
O Nanak,Know this well,everything is in the Righteous Lord!
8.Thaapi_aa na jaa-ay keetaa na ho-ay aapay aap niranjan so_ay.
He cannot be contained,he is not permormed.He himself is immaculate and pure.
9.Jin sayvi-aa tin paa-i-aa maan.naanak gaavee-ai gunee-ai gunee nidhaan.
Whoever serves him receives honor.ONanak sing-"Only lord has endless virtues*
10.Gaavee-ai sunee-ai man rakhee-ai bhaa-o dukh parhar sukh ghar lai jaa-ay.
Sing,listen,and keep your mind humble suffering will be attacked,and peace will take your mind.
11.Gurmukh naadan gurmukh vaydan gurmukh rahi-aa samaa-ee.
Gurmukh (one who submits to god)Speaks like the sound-current of the naad,Posesses wisdom of the vedas and is absorbed by God.
11.Gur eesar gur gorakh barmaa gur paarbatee maa-ee.
The Guru (God)is in shiva,Gorak,Brahma,Paarvati and Lakhshmi.
12.Jay ha-o jaana aakhaa naahee kahnaa kathan na -jaa-ee.
He who possesses this knowledge,cannot describe it in in words.
13.Guraa ik dayhi bujhaa-ee.sabhnaa je-aa kaa ik daataa so mai visar na jaa-ee.
One thing about god I have understood completely.All creatures have only the one God-May I never forget this!