Sukhmani Sahib Ashtapadee-4

 à¨µਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ






ਨਿਰਗੁਨੀਆਰ ਇਆਨਿਆ ਸੋ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਸਦਾ ਸਮਾਲਿ॥

Nirgunee-aar i-aani-aa so parabh sadaa samaal.

You worthless,ignorant fool-dwell upon God forever;


ਜਿਨਿ ਕੀਆ ਤਿਸੁ ਚੀਤਿ ਰਖੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਨਿਬਹੀ ਨਾਲਿ॥੧॥

Jin kee-aa tis cheet rakh naanak nibhee naal.॥1॥

Cherish in your consciousness the one who created you;O Nanak,He alone shall go along with you;


Rama-ee-aa kay gun chayt paraanee.

Think of the glory of the all-pervading Lord,O mortal;

Kavan mool tay kavan daristaanee.

What is your origin,and what is your appearance?

Jin toon saaj savaar seegaari-aa.

He who(GOD) fashioned,adorned and decorated you;

Garabh agan meh jineh ubaari-aa.

In the fire of the womb,He preserved you;

Baar bivasthaa tujheh pi-aarai doodh.

In your infancy,He gave you food,pleasure and understanding;

Biradh bha-i-aa oopar saak sain.mukh api-aa-o baith ka-o dain.

As you grow old,faimly and friends are there to feed you as you rest;

IH nirgun gun kachhoo na boojhai.

This worthless person has not appreciated in the least,all the good deeds done for him;

Bakhas layho ta-o naanak seejhai.

If you bless him with forgiveness,O nanak,only then will he be saved.

Jih parsaad dhar oopar sukh baseh.

By his Grace,you abide in comfort upon the earth.

Sut bharaat meet banitaa sang haseh.

With your children,siblings,friends and spouse,you laugh;

Jih parsaad peeveh seetal jalaa.

By his grace,you drink in cool water;

Sukh-daa-ee pavan paavak amulaa.

You have peaceful breezes and priceless fire;

Jih parsaad bhogeh sabh rasaa.

By his grace,you enjoy all sorts of pleasures;

Sagal samagree sang saath basaa.

You are provided with all the necessities of life;

Deenay hasat paav karan naytar rasnaa.

He gave you hands,feet,ears,eyes and tongue;

Tiseh ti-aag avar sang rachnaa.

And yet,you forsake him and attach yourself to others;

Aisay dokh moorh andh bi-aapay.

Such sinful mistakes cling to the blind fools;

Naanak kaadh layho parabh aapay.

Nanak:uplift and save them,God!॥2॥

AAD ant jo raakhanhaar.

From beginning to end,He is our protector;

Tis si-o pareet na karai gavaar.

And yet,the ignorant do not give their love to him;

Jaa kee sayvaa nav nidh paavai.

Serving him,the nine treasures are obtained;

Taa si-o moorhaa man nahee laavai.

And yet,the foolish do not link their minds with him(God).

Jo thaakur sad sadaa hajooray.

Our Lord and master is ever-present,forever and ever;

Taa ka-o andhaa jaanat dooray

And yet,the spiritually blind believe that he is far away;

Jaa kee tahal paavai dargeh maan.

In his service,one obtains honor in the court of the Lord;

Tiseh bisaarai mugadh ajaan.

And yet,the ignorant fool forgets him;

Sadaa sadaa ih bhoolanhaar.

Forever and ever,this person makes mistakes;

Naanak raakhanhaar apaar.

O nanak,the infinite Lord is our saving Grace.॥3॥

Ratan ti-aag ka-udee sang rachai.

Forsaking the jewel,they are engrossed with a shell;


Saach chhod jhooth sang machai.

They renounce truth and embrace falsehood;


jo chhadnaa so asthir kar maanai.

That which passes away,they believe to be permanent;


Jo hovan so door paraanai.

That which is immanent,they believe to be far off;    

Chhod jaa-ay tis kaa saram karai.

They struggle for what they must eventually leave;

Sang sahaa-ee tis parharai.

They turn away from the Lord ,their help and support,who is always with them;

Chandan layp utaarai dho-ay.

They wash off the sandalwood paste;

Gardhab pareet bhasam sang ho-ay.

Like donkeys,they are in love with the mud;

Andh koop meh patit bikraal.

They have fallen into the deep,dark pit;

Naanak kaadh layho parabh da-i-aal.||4||

Nanak:left them up and save them,O merciful Lord God||4||

Kartoot pasoo kee maanas jaat.

They belong to the human species,but they act like animals;

Lok pachaaraa karai din raat.

They curse others day and night;

Baahar bhaykh antar mal maa-i-aa.

Outwardly,they wear religious robes,but within is the filth of maya;

Chhapas naahi kachh karai chhapaa-i-aa.

They cannot conceal this,no matter how hard they try;

Baahar gi-aan dhi-aan isnaan.

Outwardly,they display knowledge,meditation and purification;

Antar bi-aapai lobh su-aan.

But within clings the dog of greed;

Antar agan baahar tan su-aah.

The fire of desire rages within;outwardly they apply ashes to their bodies;

Gal paathar kaisay tarai athaah.

There is a stone around their neck-how can they cross the unfathomable ocean?

Jaa kai antar basai parabh aap.

Those,within whom God himself abides;

Naanak tay jan sahj samaat.||5||

O Nanak,those humble beings are intuitively absorbed in the Lord.||5||

Sun andhaa kaisay maarag paavai.

By listening,how can the blind find the path?

Kar geh layho orh nibhaavai.

Take hold of his hand,and then he can reach his destination;

Kahaa bujhaarat boojhai doraa.

How can a riddle be understood by the deaf?

Nis kahee-ai ta-o samjhai bhoraa.

Say'night'and he thinks you said'day';

Kahaa bisanpad gaavai gung.

How can the mute sing the songs of the Lord;

Jatan karai ta-o bhee sur bhang.

He may try,but his voice will fail him;

Kah pingul parbat par bhavan.

How can the cripple climb up the mountain?

Nahee hot oohaa us gavan.

He simply cannot go there;

Kartaar karunaa mai deen bayntee karai.

O Creator,Lord of mercy-your humble servant prays;

Naanak tumree kirpaa tarai.||6||

Nanak:by your Grace,please save me.

Sang sahaa-ee so aavai na cheet.

The Lord,our help and support,is always with us,but the mortal does not remember him;

Jo bairaa-ee taa si-o pareet.

He shows love to his enemies;

Baloo-aa kay garih bheetar basai.

He lives in a castle of sand;

Anad kayl maa-i-aa rang rasai.

He enjoys the games of pleasure and the tastes of maya;

Darirh kar maanai maneh parteet.

He believes them to be permanent-this is the belief of his mind;

Kaal na aavai moorhay cheet.

Death does not even come to mind for the fool;

Bair birodh kaam krodh moh.

Hate,conflict,sexual desire,anger,emotional attachment;

Jhooth biaar mahaa lobh dharoh.

Falsehood,corruption,immense greed and deceit:

I-aahoo jugat bihaanay ka-ee janam.

So many lifetimes are wasted in these ways;

Naanak raakh layhoo aapan kar karam.||7||

Nanak:uplift them,and redeem them,O Lord-show your mercy!||7||

Too thaakur tum peh ardaas.

You are our Lord and master;to you,I offer this prayer;

Jee-o pind sabh tayree raas.

This and soul are all your property;

Tum maat pitaa ham baarik tayray.

(God) you are our mother and fathe;We are your children

Tumree kirpaa meh sookh ghanayray.

In your Grace,there are so many joys!

Ko-ay na jaanai tumraa ant.

No one knows (God) your limits.

OOchay tay oochaa bhagvant.

O Highest of the high,Most generous god;

Sagal samagree tumrai sutir dhaaree.

The whole creation is strung on your thread;

Tum tay ho-ay so aagi-aakaaree.

That which has come from you is under your command;

Tumree gat mit tum hee jaanee.

You alone know your state and extent;

Naanak daas sadaa kurbaanee.||8||4||

Nanak,your slave,is forever a sacrific||8||4||

Gurdeep Gill

I am a blogger and YouTuber,I have been working in freelancing and affiliating marketing

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