ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ

Deen darad dukh bhanjnaa ghat ghat naath anaath||
O Destroyer of the pains and the suffering of the poor,O Master of each and every heart,O masterless one:
Saran tumhaaree aa-i-o Naanak kay parabh saath||
I Have come seeking your sanctuary.O God,please be with Nanak!||1||
Jah maat pitaa sut meet na bhaa-ee||
Where there is no mother,Father,Children,Friends or siblings
Man oohaa naam tayrai sang sahaa-ee||
O My mind,there,only the naam,the Name of Lord,shall be with you as your help and support.
Jah mahaa bha-i-aan doot jam dalai||
Where the great and terrible messenger of Death shall try to crush you:
Teh kayval naam sang tayrai chalai||
There,only the naam ( lord name) shall go along with you.
Jah muskal hovai at bhaaree||
Where the obstacles are so very heavy.
Har ko naam khin maahi Udhaaree||
The Name of the Lord shall rescue you in an instant.
Anik Punahcharan karat nahee tarai||
By performing countless religious rituals,You shall not be saved.
Har ko naam kot paap parharai||
The Name of the Lord washes off millions of sins.
Gurmukh naam japahu man mayray||
As Gurmukh,chant the naam(name),O my mind.
Naanak paavhu sookh ghanayray||1||
O Nanak,You shall obtain countless joys.||1||
Sagal sarisat ko raajaa dukhee-aa||
The rulers of the all the world are unhappy.
Har kaa naam japat ho-ay sukhee-aa||
One who chants the Name of the Lord becomes happy.
Laakh karoree bandh na parai||
Acquiring hundreds of thousands and millions,your desires shall not be contained.
Har kaa naam japat nistarai||
Chanting the Name of the Lord,you shall find release.
Anik maa-i-aa rang tikh na bujhaavai||
By the countless pleasures of maya(wealth),your thirst shall not be quenched.
Har kaa naam japat aaghaavai||
Chanting the name of the Lord,you shall be satisfied.
Jih maarag ih jaat ikaylaa||
Upon that path where you must go all alone.
Tah har naam sang hot suhaylaa||
There,only the Lord's Name shall go with you to sustain you.
Aisaa naam man sadaa Dhi-aa-ee-ai||
On such a Name,O my mind,meditate forever.
Naanak gurmukh param gat paa-ee-ai||2||
O Nanak,as Gurmukh,You shall obtain the state of supreme dignity.||2||
Chhootat nahee kot lakh baahee||
You shall not be saved by hundreds of thousands and millions of helping hands.
Naam japat tah paar paraahee||
Chanting the naam,you shall be lifted up and carried across.
Anik bighan jah aa-ay sanghaarai||
Where countless misfortunes threaten to destroy you.
Har kaa naam tatkaal Udhaarai||
The Name of the lord shall rescue you in an instant.
Anik jon janmai mar jaam||
Through countless incarnations,people are born and die.
Naam japat paavai bisraam||
Chanting the Name of the Lord,you shall come to rest in peace.
Ha-o mailaa mai kabahu na Dhovai||
The ego is polluted by a fifth which can never be washed off.
Har kaa maam kot paap khovai||
The Name of the Lord erases millions of sins.
Aisaa naam japahu man rang||
Chant such a Name with love,O My mind.
Naanak paa-ee-ai saadh kai sang||3||
O Nanak,It is obtained in the company of the Holy.||3||
Jih maarag kay ganay jaahi na kosaa||
Oh that path where the miles cannot be counted.
Har kaa naam oohaa sang tosaa||
There,the Name of the Lord shall be your sustenance.
Jih paidai mahaa andh gubaaraa||
Oh that journey of total,pitch-black darkness.
Har kaa naam sang ujee-aaraa||
The Name of the Lord shall be the Light with you.
Jahaa panth tayraa ko na sinjaanoo||
Oh that journey where no one knows you.
Har kaa naam tah naal pachhaanoo||
With the Name of the Lord,you shall be recognized.
Jah mahaa bha-i-aan tapat baho ghaam||
Where there is awesome and terrible heat and blazing sunshine.
Tah har kay naam kee tum oopar chhaam||
There,The Name of the Lord will give you Shade.
Jahaa tarikhaa man tujh aakrakhai||
Where thirst,O My mind,torments you to cry out.
Tah Naanak har har amrit barkhai||4||
There,O Nanak,the Ambrosial Name,Har,Har,shall rain down upon you.||4||
Bhagat janaa kee bartan naam||
Unto the devotee,the Name is an article of daily use.
Sant janaa kai man bisraam||
The Minds of the humble saints are at peace.
Har kaa naam daas kee ot||
The Name of the Lord is the Support of his servants.
Har kaa naam Udhray jan kot||
By the Name of Lord,millions have been saved.
Har jas karat sant din raat||
The saints chant the praises of the Lord,day and night.
Har Har A-ukhadh saadh kamaat||
Har,Har-The Lord's Name-the holy use it as their healing medicine.
Har Jan kai Har naam nidhaan||
The Lord's Name is the treasure of the Lord's servant.
Paarbarahm jan keeno daan||
The supreme Lord God has blessed his humble servant with this gift.
Man Tan rang ratay rang aykai||
Mind and body are imbued with ecstasy in the Love of the one Lord.
Naanak jan kai birat bibaykai||5||
O Nanak,Careful and discerning understanding is the way of the Lord's humble servant.||5||
Har kaa naam jan ka-o mukat jugat||
The Name of the Lord is the path of liberation for his humble servants.
Har kai naam jan ka-o taripat bhugat||
With the food of the the Name of the Lord,His servants are satisfied.
Har kaa naam jan kaa roop rang||
The Name of the Lord is the beauty and delight of his servants.
Har naam japat kab parai na bhang||
Chanting the Lord's Name,one is never blocked by obstacles.
Har Kaa naam jan kee vadi-aa-ee||
The Name of the Lord is the glorious greatness of his servants.
Har kai naam jan sobhaa paa-ee||
Through the Name of the Lord,His servants obtain honor.
Har kaa naam jan ka-o bhog jog||
The Name of the Lord is the enjoyment and Yoga of His servants.
Har naam japat kachh naahi bi-og||
CHanting the Lord's Name,there is no separation from him.
Jan raataa har naam kee sayvaa||
His servants are imbued with the service of the Lord's Name.
Naanak poojai har har dayvaa.||6||
O Nanak,worship the Lord,the Lord divine,Har,Har||6||
Har Har jan kai maal khajeenaa||
The Lord's Name,Har,Har,is the treasure of wealth of his servants.
Har dhan jan ko-o aap parabh deenaa||
The tressure of the Lord has been bestowed on his servants by God himself.
Har Har jan kai kot sataanee||
The Lord,har,har is the all powerful protection of his servants.
Har partaap jan avar na jaanee||
His servants know no other than the Lord's magnificence.
Ot pot jan har ras raatay||
Through and through,His servants are imbued with the Lord's Love.
Sunn sammadh naam ras maatay||
In deepest samaadhi,they are intoxicated with the essence of the Naam.
Aath pahar jan har har japai||
Twent-four hours a day,His servants chant Har,Har.
Har kaa bhagat pargat nahee chhapai||
The devotees of the Lord are Known and respected;they do not hide in secrecy.
Har kee bhagat mukat baho karay||
Through devotion to the Lord,many have been liberated.
Naanak jan sang kaytay taray.||7||
O Nanak,along with his servants,many others are saved.||7||
Paarjaat ih har ko naam.||
This Elysian Tree of miraculous powersis the Name of the Lord.
Kaamdhayn har har gun gaam||
The khaamadhayn,yhe cow of miraculous powers,is the singing of the Glory of the Lord's Name,har,har.
Sabh tay ootam har kee kathaa||
Highest of all is the Lord's speech.
Naam sunat darad dukh lathaa||
Hearing the Name of the Lord,pain and sorrow are removed.
Naam kee mahimaa sant rid vasai||
The Glory of the Naam abides in the hearts of his saints.
Sant partaap durat sabh nasai||
By the saint's Kind intervention,all guilt is dispelled.
Sant kaa sang vadbhaagee paa-ee-ai.||
The Society of the saints is obtained by great good fortune.
Sant kee sayvaa naam dhi-aa-ee-ai.||
Serving the saint,one meditates on the Name of the Lord.Saint are devotees.
Naam tul kachh avar na ho-ay.||
There is nothing equal to the naam.
Naanak gurmukh naam paavai jan ko-ay.||8||2||
O Nanak,rare are those,who,as Gurmukh,obtain the Naam(the Name of the Lord)

What is sants?
Sants are holy persons of very exalted status,one of being the ideal human being...The virtuous Life associated with a sant or a brahmgyani(one who has a perfect knowledge of God)is strenuously defined in sikh gurbani,most notably in the sukhmani sahib passage of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.(As given above)