''PAURI 29,30,31''

1.Bhugat gi-aan da bhandaaran ghat ghat vaajeh naad.
Make wisdom your food and compassion your attendant,The Sound-current vibrates in each and every heart.
2.AAP naath naathee sabh jaa kee ridh sidh avraa saad.
You are supreme Lord of all;wealth and miraculous spiritual powers are tastes of others.
3.Sanjog vijog du-ay kaar chalaaveh laykhay aavahi bhaag.
Accompaniment and separation both drive the body and mind,whatever our fate bring.
4.AAdays tisai aadays.
Salutation!My humbly salutation to you.
5.AAd aneel anaad anaahat jug jug ayko vays.(29)
The primal one,the pure light,without beginning,without end,Throughout time you remain same.29"
1.Aykaa maa-ee jugat vi-aa-ee tin chaylay parvaan.
The one divine mother conceived and give birth to the three deities.
2.Ik sansaaree ik bhandaaree ik laa-ay deebaan.
One the creator of the world,one the sustainer,and one the destroyer.
3.Jiv tis bhaavai tivai chalaavai jiv hovai furmaan.
Whatever he wishes,He makes to happen according to his command.
4.Oh vaykhai onaa nadar na aavai bahutaa ayhu vidaan.
He watches all,but none see him!How mysterious is this.
5.AAdays tisai aadays.
Salutation!My humbly salutation to you.
6.AAd aneel anaad anaahat jug jug ayko vays.30
The primal one,the pure light,without beginning,without end,Throughout time you remain same.30"
1.AAsan lo-ay lo-ay bhandaar.
World upon world are his seats of authority and his stores.
2.Jo kichh paa-i-aa so aykaa vaar.
Whatever was put into them,was put there once and for all.
3.Kar kar vaykhai sirjanhaar.
Having created the universe,He watches over it.
4.naanak sachay kee saachee kaar.
nanak,This is the true creator's true creation.
5.AAdays tisai aadays.
Salutation!My humbly salutation to you.
6.AAd aneel anaad anaahat jug jug ayko vays.31
The primal one,the pure light,without beginning,without end,Throughout time you remain same.''31''