
1.Ant na siftee kahan na ant.ant na karnai dayn na ant.
No end to God praises,limt of praises can't be said.No end to his doings;No end to his gifts.
2.Ant na vaykhan sunan na ant.ant na jaapai ki-aa man mant.
No one has seen end to God,no one has heard his end;no end to those who meditate on him and holy minded.
3.Ant na jaapai keetaa aakaar.ant na jaapai paaraavaar.
No end to creatures he has shaped,No end to how many creations he nutures.
4.Ant kaaran kaytay billaahi.taa kay ant na paa-ay jaahi.
Many have sweared to have said limit of God,his limit cannot be found.
5.Ayhu ant na jaanai ko-ay.bahutaa kahee-ai bahutaa ho-ay.
No one knows his limits.So many have tried to say and so many have come.
6.Vadaa saahib oochaa thaa-o.oochay upar oochaa naa-o.
Great is the Master high is his status.Hiehest of the High,and still higher is His Name.
7.Ayvad oochaa hovai ko-ay.tis oochay ko-o jaanai so-ay.
How great is he?Only he himself Knows that.
8.Jayvad aap jaanai aap aap.Naanak nadree karmee daat.2
Only He knows Himself,Nanak,may he bless us with the good karma(Luck).24
1Bahutaa karam likhi-aa naa jaa-ay.vadaa daataa til na tamaa-ay.
For Many,He absolves them of their sins.The Great Giver does not hold anything back.
2.Kaytay mangahi jodh apaar kayti-aa ganat nahee veechaar.
So Many ask from God courageously.So many that cannot be counted.
3.Kaytay khap tutahi vaykaar.kaytay lai lai mukar paahi.
So many ask but don't receive.So many receive but deny that it is gifted from god.
4.Kaytay moorakh khaahee khaahi.kati-aa dookh bhookh sad maar.
So many fools keep continuously consuming God's gifts.So many endure pain ,deprivation and constant abuse.
5.Ayhi bhe daat tayree daataar.band khalaasee bhaanai ho-ay.
Even these are your gifts,Great giver!Liberation from bondage comes only by your will.
6.Hor aakh na sakai ko-ai.jay ko khaa-ik aakhan paa-ay.oh jaanai jaytee-aa muhi khaa-ay.
No one else has any say in this.if some fool should say otherwise,he certainly will have to eat his words.
7.AApay jaanai aapay day-ay.aakhahi se bhe kay-ee kay-ay.
He himself knows,He himself gives,few,very few acknowledge this.
8.Jis no bakhsay sifat saalaah.naanak paatisaahee paatisaahu.25"
One who is blessed to sing his praises nanak,is the king of kings.25